Breath & Blood Tests in Montgomery County
Arrested for DWI After Failing a Breath or Blood Test?
In Texas, drunk driving charges are referred to as DWI, or driving while intoxicated, charges. Per Texas law, one of the definitions of “intoxicated” is having a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or greater. Montgomery County law enforcement will determine a driver’s BAC by using a breath test or blood test.
Doug Atkinson is a Montgomery County DWI defense attorney who is experienced in representing clients charged with driving while intoxicated, even those who have failed a breath test or blood test which was administered after their arrest. Even in the face of a high BAC reading, Mr. Atkinson may be able to achieve stellar results in defending a DWI case.
How Do Breath Tests Work? If I Fail, Will I Be Convicted?
A breath test is most commonly administered after a DWI arrest. During the test, the individual will blow into a machine which will then measure the level of alcohol in his/her breath. This breath alcohol level then used to measure the individual’s blood alcohol level.
Breath test machines have their faults, and they are many. For instance, operator error or an improperly calibrated machine may lead to a faulty breath test reading. Additionally, certain mechanical equipment may interfere with a breath test. These are just a few of the factors that Doug Atkinson will consider when defending a client who has failed a breath test.
Challenging BAC Evidence in Montgomery County, TX
A blood test is considered to be more accurate than a breath test, as it is used to measure the level of alcohol directly from an individual’s blood. After a DWI arrest, a blood sample may be taken which will then be chemically tested to determine the driver’s blood alcohol concentration. Blood tests also have potential faults which may become present and cause a test to show an inaccurate result.

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Not Guilty DWI
Not Guilty Assault
Not Guilty DWI
Dismissed and Expunged DWI
Dismissed DWI
Not Guilty DWI
Dismissed DWI
Dismissed DWI
Dismissed DWI
Dismissed Drug Possession
Not Guilty DWI
Not Guilty DWI