Montgomery County DWI Attorney
Fourth Offense DWI Lawyer in Montgomery County, Texas
A fourth DWI offense in Montgomery County, Texas is a felony. While any drunk driving charge is serious, a person who has prior DWI convictions will face increased sentencing as well as additional restrictions and new penalties. In the face of these grave consequences, a defendant will need a Montgomery County DWI lawyer on his/her side. Experience, knowledge and dedication are all three qualities which will greatly enhance the outcome that a defendant will face. Even when a defendant is entirely innocent, when breath or blood tests may have been conducted incorrectly or when an unlawful police stop was made, without a competent defense lawyer the defendant will stand little or no chance of avoiding a conviction.
DWI Penalties for a Fourth Drunk Driving Offense
Texas drunk driving law does not allow for additional penalties in conjunction with a fourth DWI, as opposed to the penalties which may be assessed for a third offense DWI. Both a third and fourth DWI are 3rd degree felony offenses and may be punishable by up to 10 years in state prison, as well as fines of up to $10,000 or more, license suspension of 2 years, community service and more.
Many fourth DWI convictions result in a state prison sentence without the possibility of probation. Additionally, rehabilitative treatment is usually mandatory for a fourth offense DWI conviction. This treatment may include participation in Substance Abuse Felony Probation (SAFP) which is an in-patient incarceration program. After this program is completed, the individual will typically be required to be on probation for up to 10 years. Other penalties may include the mandatory installation of an ignition interlock device or even possibly a prescription drug called “Antiabuse” which causes an individual to become violently ill if he/she consumes alcohol.
Contact Attorney Douglas W. Atkinson Today
You can take action and work to avoid the penalties listed above, even for a fourth offense DWI. Montgomery County DWI attorney Doug Atkinson has the experience and aggressive defense tactics which are necessary in order to help a client avoid a fourth drunk driving conviction. While multiple DWI offenses are often more difficult to defend, attorney Atkinson can still meet with success by applying his unique knowledge and experience to each particular case he takes on.
Arrested for a fourth offense DWI? Contact Douglas Atkinson today!

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Not Guilty Assault
Not Guilty DWI
Dismissed and Expunged DWI
Dismissed DWI
Not Guilty DWI
Dismissed DWI
Dismissed DWI
Dismissed DWI
Dismissed Drug Possession
Not Guilty DWI
Not Guilty DWI